Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Inclusion, Resources and Canine Help

  • In an essay, Quality Service for the Autism Community Looks at mainstreaming autistic students.
  • McGraw-Hill, a company better known for school textbooks, has published special education and intervention materials for Tier 2 and Tier 3 at, the company announced in a press release.
  • A two-year old Labrador Retriever is helping some Virginia special needs students.
  • $44 Billion in Stimulus, including $11 billion for Title I and IDEA programs, will drive educational reform and create jobs, the U.S. Department of Education explains in this press release.

Special Needs Ridership May Rise

ADA changes lead to the U.S. Department of Education updating the Section 504 FAQ concerning determination of a student's physical or mental impairment, a change which could increase the number of special needs students who require transport. More on